五金镀铬油墨、五金表面镀铬油墨销售厂家!!! 油墨特性: 主要用于铁、铝、钢等五金底材的印刷材料上,具有高遮盖力、高稳定性,耐酒精等特点,单组份自干型。 干燥条件: 5-10分钟表干,自然干常温4-5小时可测试,如需快速干燥请烘烤50—150度,5-10分钟。 稀释:用783开油。清洗:用718洗网水清洗 测试方式:(完全干燥、反应后) 1.3M胶纸,粘在画有百格的油墨表面,45度角迅速拉起不脱油; 2.纯度99%的酒精,500G力在油墨表面来回擦拭,100次无脱色。 使用方法: 1.使用前应充分搅拌,用后随时密封; 2.印刷时加入10-20%的开油水,稀释至合适印刷粘度; 3.不得与其它类型油墨混合使用。 注意事项: 1.五金材料种类多、品种杂,客户需试印,确定其符合要求后,再批量印刷; 2.环境温度过高,会影响油墨原有质量; 3.请远离火源,阴暗干燥环境下存放。Oleser hardware printing ink Ink characteristic: Is mainly used for iron, aluminum, steel and other metal base material of printed materials, with high covering power, high stability, resistance to alcohol etc. characteristics, one component self drying type. Drying condition: 5-10 minutes dry, dry natural temperature 4-5 hours can be tested, such as the need for quick drying please bake 50 - 150 degrees, 5-10 minutes. Dilution: with 783 open oil. Wash: wash with 718 wash water Test method: (completely dry, after reaction) 1.3M tape, adhesive tape's ink surface in the painting, the 45 degree angle quickly pulled off the oil; 2 purity 99% alcohol, 500G force in the ink surface back and forth, the 100 no decolorization. Usage: 1 before use should be fully stirred, with the seal after; 2 when printing 10-20% to open the oil, dilute to the appropriate printing viscosity; 3 not mixed with other types of ink. Notes: 1 Hardware material types, miscellaneous varieties, customers need to try printing, determine its meet the requirements, then bulk printing; 2 high temperature, will affect the quality of ink; 3 please keep away from fire source, dry environment and dry environment..